Yesterday I made this bowl. It is pretty small but still bigger and more bowl like than my other bowls. I footed it today. Also, I put my plate and third bowl in the bisque.

Today, I footed my third bowl. The base was too thin, so I could only round out the edges. I most likely hit a bump while rounding the edges and now there is a wave-like pattern. Also, I started glazing my pitcher. I glazed the inside of it shadow green. For my cup, I dipped the chrome green side in shadow green. My second bowl came out of the bisque and I tested the glaze I want to use on a small pinch pot. 

Today, my cup and my first bowl came out of the glaze kiln. The glaze on the cup was not quite what I expected. I thought the glaze on the handle and the small portion around it would turn out a bright green and create a contrast between colors. Instead, it turned out a dull brownish color. Im still happy with it outcome though. Also, I footed my plate. The foot is tiny. I made a third bowl today as well to go with my set of three.

Today, I threw my first plate. It is small. It looks funny with the lip so thick, I hope it looks different when I foot it. I want my plate to be part of my set of three; which I want to be a cup, a plate, and a bowl. Also, I glazed my cup. I hope the greens turn out to follow my theme.

Today, I finished glazing my first bowl. I glazed the bottom half yellow and the lip shadow green. The line between the two colors is uneven, in fact it is very squiggly. I started thinking about my theme today. I might make it "Light and Dark". The uneven line seperating the colors could show that the line between light and dark in human nature is not clear either. Also, I tried to glaze my cup, but it was too thick. I washed it off and I will start over tomorrow.

I also put my pitcher and my second bowl on the bisque shelf today.

Today, I footed my second bowl. It is very wide, and one of my best foots! I tried footing my pitcher, but the base was too thin. Instead, I just smoothed out the bottom and rounded the edges as best I could and patted in a small design at the base. I also, put the handle on my pitcher.

Today, I made a pitcher. The spout was a bit tricky.

Today I made a wide bowl.

On Sept. 13, I put my cup and my bowl in the bisque.



1 Comment

I made a bowl today. It is pretty small.

I footed my bowl Sept. 10.