


Today, I glazed two of my projects. One I glazed like a yin/yang symbol almost using turquoise and sand. The other, I glazed partially in a dark blue and clear. I hope they turn out nicely. I'm sad I cant throw anymore until next semester. It's so long! I do not want to present my projects. 
Monday, I threw two small plates and one of my projects came out of the bisque. Tuesday, I footed them. It didnt turn out well because I used a foam bat and the plates kept getting knocked off center. I also threw two projects Tuesday. One I plan on making a second hand and wheel project, and the other is a wheel altered project.
Wednesday, I made this project. Yesterday, I footed it and my hand and wheel project came out of the glaze. I really like it. Today, I made two small plates.

First of all, I had such a good break. It was so nice to just relax and not go to school. I got my own ceramics tools for Christmas! I made a project the friday before break, so I'm a little concerned about how it is. I hope it is not too dry to foot because I really like it.