


This is a medium sized vase. The belly is very round in the middle. The lip is slightly flared at the top. The whole project is smooth. Dragonflies of different sizes were stained on the outside using green stain. Then, the project was dipped in clear. 




This is a medium sized bowl. The lip is flared out at the top. The bowl is rounded in the middle and the foot flares out a bit at the base as well. The bowl is smooth all around. Using blue stain, I painted roses all around the outside of the project. Some even overlap. The rest of the project is dipped in clear. The overlapping of the roses creates dimension in the project. It appears that some are farther back, while others are more forward. 

This is my set of three, consisting of a small pitcher, a cup, and a dish. All three have a smooth texture. The dish has throwing marks around the inner walls. The pitcher has leaves stained as if they were pouring out of it and one leaf stained at the bottom of the handle. The dish has two leaves stained in the center and the throwing marks are stained as well. The cup has a vine stained from the top of the handle, around the cup to the base of the handle with small leaves coming off the vine. All projects were dipped in clear after being stained. The leaves and similar staining on each project connects all three together in a set. The three